AR15/M16/M4/AR308 Armorer Course/Patrol Rifle Instructor (LE Only)
Law Enforcement Agencies are now deploying or are in the process of
issuing carbine rifles to both Field Supervisors, Field Officers, and
Tactical Units. With that comes the need of having qualified Armorers or
Rangemasters to service and maintain these weapons on a regular basis,
as well as teach officers in the employment and use of these firearms.
This course covers all M16/AR-15 weapons systems made by all manufacturers.
This course is 5 days. The first two days cover Armoring and the last three days cover the Instructor Portion.
Patrol Rifle Instructor/Armorers will be certified to teach other peace officers
in all aspects of the use and care of these weapon systems. This program
follows the Manufacturer's guidelines and is taught by FBI and NRA
Certified Instructors.
Note: It is highly recommended that all students
interested in this course already be certified as a Basic LE Firearms
Instructor, as well as have received Instructor Development Training.
This is because the Instructor portion of this course focuses on
teaching the rifle, rather than basic marksmanship and lesson plan